Since launching CCO, we have been involved in a variety completed projects including: The PBS American Masters special "Cab Calloway Sketches;" a definitive biography, "Hi De Ho - The life of Cab Calloway" written by leading jazz historian Alyn Shipton, published by Oxford University Press; as well as development of CAB100 centennial events in 2007, a Double Orchestra program for the CCO and Symphony Orchestras called "Dueling Orchestras;" a septet version of the CCO called "Calloway Brooks and the Cab Jivers;" a project with Hankus Netsky's famed "Klezmer Conservatory Orchestra," featuring the deep Calloway musical connection with cantorial singing; The launch of our live CD recording and many other successful projects.

Cab Calloway: Sketches

"Makes a solid case for Calloway as a jazz musician as well as an entertainer, and he certainly makes you want to listen to 'Minnie' and all the others, for the umpteenth time in my case and, it is to be hoped, for the first time in others'." —The Washington Post
"Not only does Shipton bring Cab Calloway to life, he makes the reader understand the era in which he lived. For a short time, we enter his world, and what a world it was."—Marian McPartland OBE, jazz pianist, writer, composer, radio host
"This formidable book opens the door for future books on Calloway's enduring influence."—The Week
"Recommended for any music fan, particularly to those of us who had our first glimpse of Calloway in the 'Blues Brothers' movie." —The Herald Sun

The film, “Cab Calloway: Sketches” by Gail Levin, jettisons much of what would be in a conventional biography . . . and instead focuses on his work as a bandleader, in savvy but accessible detail. -- The New York Times